2019 Atascadero's Dancing with Our Stars another Phenomenal Success!
by Jeannie Malik
Thanks to all who collaborated in making our 10th annual Atascadero's Time Machine: Back to the 80's", "an enormous success. Artistic Director Molly Comin scored with an out of the universe hit! The three-night event raised over $200,000 benefitting Atascadero Library plus six local non-profits, Atascadero Greyhound Foundation, Atascadero Kiwanis, Atascadero Printery Foundation, AAUW Atascadero, Paso Robles Youth Arts Foundation, and ECHO.
The DWOS committee is 100% volunteer based. This event is made possible with the dedicated support of these individuals. Special thanks to Leigh Livick for handling Eventbrite ticket sales and guest registration, Shirley Summers and Carol Gobler for organizing a group of 60+ community volunteers to assist with each evening performance, Carol Collins - treasurer, Grenda Ernst for scripting the dancer publicity articles and creating over 800 vote ballots, Dyann Shepard - managing vote recording and Brenda May and team for their time and talents transforming the Pavilion on the Lake with their decor skills. Thank you Susan Poteet for handling our huge inventory of linens and for custom folding napkins for the dinner shows. Thank you to Jeanne and Carl Robbins for coordinating cleanup efforts after the shows. Special kudos to Leigh Livick for managing our DWOS website and Linda Zirk for the successful organization of the popular silent auction held all three nights. Linda and her mini, but mighty team, gathered and displayed over 100 auction items donated from local businesses. Special thanks to Brenda May, Molly Comin, and Frank Sanchez who created and coordinated several dancer costumes worn for the vignettes. Thanks to Brian Reeves for his many hours professionally editing music for the show. Kudos to technical coordinator Ryan Flores, lighting operator Scott Sebby, stage manager John Webster and our new DJ Joy Bonner!! Special applause for professional photographer Cheryl Strahl who took hundreds of fabulous photos at the event. The photos shared on this site are compliments of Cheryl!
Also, many thanks to Christina Bearce, owner of Highlight Media. Christina is creating a professional DVD of the show as a memorable keepsake. DVDs are $20., checks are made payable to F.O.A.L. Please contact Jeannie Malik at DWOSEventChair@gmail.com if you're interested in ordering a DVD.
Thank you for your continued support!
Jeannie Malik
DWOS Producer with Friends of the Atascadero Library
VP Friends of the Atascadero Library Board